Poll: Favorite Beeminder Taglines

Beeminder stickers to anyone who comes up with a tagline we like enough to add to the rotation on the front page.

[this was originally a poll but it sadly broke!]

  • Beeminder: Stick To Your Goals
  • Beeminder: Be Minded
  • Beeminder: Engineer yourself
  • Beeminder: Mind Your goals
  • Beeminder: Track It, Back It
  • Beeminder: Follow the Yellow Brick Road
  • Beeminder: Follow your Yellow Brick Road
  • Beeminder: The me-binder
  • Beeminder: Reminders with a sting
  • Beeminder: Automated accountability
  • Beeminder: Make a beeline for your goal
  • Beeminder: In-your-face goal tracking
  • Beeminder: Data-driven goal tracking
  • Beeminder: Data-oriented commitment devices
  • Beeminder: The scientific way to achieve your goals
  • Beeminder: Hyperrational goal tracking
  • Beeminder: Bring long-term consequences near
  • Beeminder: Gradual results, instant gratification
  • Beeminder: Make the important urgent
  • Beeminder: The akrasia antidote
  • Beeminder: If you can quantify it, you can beemind it
  • Beeminder: Have your cake and donā€™t have it too
  • Beeminder: Beehave yourself
  • Beeminder: Take some Funky Goal Medina
  • Beeminder: Turn long-term commitments into daily commitments
  • Beeminder: A kick in the pants
  • Beeminder: Goal guidance
  • Beeminder: Donā€™t flake out on yourself
  • Beeminder: Safety rope for slippery slopes
  • Beeminder: Incentivize yourself
  • Beeminder: It reminds you and binds you
  • Beeminder: Be a slave to your second-order desires
  • Beeminder: Solving the self-control problem
  • Beeminder: Light a fire under your own butt
  • Beeminder: Salvation for akratic data nerds
  • Beeminder: Enforced goal tracking
  • Beeminder: Keep your long-term goals in focus
  • Beeminder: Up in your beeswax, making you better
  • Beeminder: The bee is a harsh mistress
  • Beeminder: Flexible self-control
  • Beeminder: Corrective lenses for psychic myopia
  • Beeminder: Be mindful of your goals
  • Beeminder: Odyssean goal tracking
  • Beeminder: Fighting irrationality with irrationality
  • Beeminder: Quantified Self + commitment contracts
  • Beeminder: Commitment contracts + Quantified Self
  • Beeminder: Self-quantifying + self-binding
  • Beeminder: Track progress toward goals, pay if you go off track
  • Beeminder: Damoclean goal tracking
  • Beeminder: Be minded, reminded, and binded
  • Beeminder: It minds you, binds you, and reminds you

Related: Beeminder elevator pitches.

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Beeminder: Do your #%@! or we burn your money bwa-bwaahah-bwahahahahahh

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Beeminder: Weā€™re much better at economics and motivation than we are at voting systems.

Donā€™t mind me, Iā€™m just sitting here gritting my teeth about the use of plurality voting. :wink:


Me too! I was just feeling tempted to submit a pull request to the Discourse polls plugin to support approval voting. If you do that you win ALL THE STICKERS.

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Beeminder: the bee will be there for you, even when you are not.

Beeminder: many small efforts makes a success, one failure makes a derail.

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canā€™t beelieve thereā€™s no beelieve pun in any of these, but also canā€™t think of a good one that uses it. ā€œbeelieve in yourselfā€ or something like that is too soft for beeminder.

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Beeminder: Harness the power of daily deadlines
Beeminder: Daily micro-deadlines for your goals

Beeminder: They have stickers!
Beeminder: You can never have too many taglines!

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Beeminder: You can tell somebody[1] has a Do More goal for creating taglines!

[1] dreev


Beeminder: If itā€™s worth doing itā€™s worth beeminding.
Beeminder: If youā€™re not doing it, youā€™re not beeminding it.
Beeminder: Itā€™s also a verb.
Beeminder: Beemind all the things!
Beeminder: Can, want, will.
Beeminder: For when you can and you want but you donā€™t.
Beeminder: Youā€™ll hate us soon. (But youā€™ll get things done.)
Beeminder: Youā€™ll get things done.
Beeminder: For that thing youā€™ve been meaning to do.
Beeminder: Itā€™s more complicated than it should be.
Beeminder: You should be doing something else right now.
Beeminder: Itā€™s easier if you automate your data entry.
Beeminder: You donā€™t have to be a nerd to use it, but it helps.
Beeminder: Our support staff are humans!
Beeminder: Iā€™m procrastinating right now.


Beeminder: Beehind every great goal.


Beeminder: Bee the minder you want to see in the world


Beeminder: Be the bee you want to be.

Beeminder: To bee or not to bee that is the question.
Beeminder: If you choose the latter itā€™ll cost you at least five bucks.
Beeminder: So choose carefully.


Beeminding begets beginning.


Oh man, I totally thought of ā€œbee the changeā€ the other day. I think it only makes sense for people who already understand beeminder thoughā€¦

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Beeminder: for your important goals

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Beeminder: become a slave to the hive.


I can no longer see the poll/results.
Did the poll finish or did a Discourse update kill it?

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Oh no, apparently the latter! You know that scene in the South Park movie where Windows blue screens and the military general says ā€œget Bill Gates in here!ā€ā€¦ This is me doing that with @codinghorror ā€¦ Weā€™ll see if it works. (:

(Let me also be a bit more helpful and bring it up on meta.discourse.org as well.)

PS: I see this is all being discussed here:


And if we must we can abandon the old results since the new polls are a million times better. But I canā€™t reset this pollā€¦ It says ā€œpolls canā€™t be edited; talk to a moderatorā€. It looks like we need to delete and repost the whole topic?

PPS: Thereā€™s a way to migrate old polls but Iā€™m not sure itā€™s worth it since the old ones are plurality voting which is super dumb compared to approval voting.

Or just rename the thread to ā€˜Favorite Beeminder Taglines v1ā€™ and post a new topic for the new poll.

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