I have tried to make a goal in which a datapoint is entered everytime I go into a certain area (my university) a certain amount of times a week. I created the goal and selected link to IFTTT. However, when I tried to make the IFTTT applet on my computer, it could not find Beeminder as a ‘goal to send data to’. It just came up with a constant loading, and when prompted to try again said ‘Beeminder seems to be down right now’. I tried to get around this by creating the applet on my phone. This worked and on the phone it was able to find the Beeminder goal. My problem now is that I can still enter data manually. This really defeats the purpose for me as the whole reason is to force me to go to university. With manual entry I fear I can easily just manually enter it and will not be held accountable. I was just wondering if I am doing something wrong when connecting IFTTT or if there is a way I can disable to manual input.
Can you check what your goal’s settings page on the Beeminder website says about the ‘Data Source’?
If it’s set to anything other than ‘Manual’, you shouldn’t be able to add datapoints either on the website or via our apps. If not, try changing the data source to ‘API’ or ‘IFTTT’ and see whether that works better for you.
Can we make these settings subject to the Akrasia Horizon? It seems all too easy to hop on, switch it to “Manual” and call it good. I do foresee problems such as, “What if [integration] is down, or I delete my account with [integration]?” which would easily cause un-legit derailments.
Non-legit derailments are no problem, just email support.
As for protecting your noble self from your weaselly self, there’s enough hassle and faff with going in and changing the settings, adding a datapoint, changing the settings back etc that it’s sufficiently weasel-proofed for most people.