Relatedly: For several days now @shanaqui has been handling support requests for TaskRatchet! Which is fantastic because they are incredible at what they do, so support emails should now be handled much more quickly than they were when I was trying to keep up with it.
(I’m counting these both as UVI’s, because I was doing so poorly at support that having @shanaqui on board is definitely a user-visible improvement. )
Page titles are now dynamic–that is, instead of the page title always being TaskRatchet, the tasks page is “Tasks | TaskRatchet”, account page is “Account | TaskRatchet”, etc.
A user let us know that &-tags weren’t working for them. I fixed a problem with our exception logging, and somehow that seemed to fix the tag bug, too.
Updated the FAQ section on PayPal support to stop referring to support as “me” and to more directly ask that helpful information be included when sending the email request.