What IFTTT recipes would you like?

Hi Mary,
first of all thanks for your ifttt recipes.

I am using the meta-beeminding script (if datapoint added to one goal, add a +1 to another goal).
The first goal in my case is a kind of project log. So with each added datapoint I document, what I worked on.
The second goal, which gets a +1 for every datapoint on my project log, is so to speak my guard.
I makes sure, that i work on the project daily and add at least one datapoint.
If i work a lot on the project, I might add 2 or 3 datapoints to the project log over the course of the day.

In this case however, the ifttt-script will run multiple times. The second goal then will be incremented more than by 1 per day. Therefore I would gain a lot of safety buffer, which defeats the purpose.
So can there be a modification, that would add exactly zero or 1 points to the second goal, but not more? In other words: The script should ignore any additional datapoint in 24 hours.