Derail buffer

What happened to the ability to set the length of the post-derail flat spot? Is that now a premium feature? Did it just land somewhere I can’t find?

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It’s still there! Specifically, if you check the “No Mercy” box on the Commitment tab under Derail Behavior, you’ll have no flat spot added after a derailment, whereas if it’s unchecked (the default), you’ll have a week of flat spot added.

It was never possible to configure an arbitrary length for the post-derail flat spot, though. Are you maybe thinking of choosing how much time before you have to do something when creating a goal?


Hmm. I suppose I must have been thinking of the post-creation window.

Consider this a feature request, then, because I’d really like to be able to set some of my recommit windows to less than a week (but more than zero days).


Yeah, that would be a nice feature! In the meantime you can ratchet after derailing to trim back to the desired amount of buffer, but of course that’s very unsatisfying because it requires willpower at the worst time. Thanks for voicing this!

provided that ‘desired amount’ is not equal to zero.

That’d derail you again in the current implementation, so we’ve put fences up around the edge of that particular cliff, but may not have found all the possible paths…

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Actually, let me be a bit more specific on this one: I would like to be able to set “when next [unit] would be due” as my derail buffer (so that, if I derail, beeminder behaves as though I had not, and simply charges me money) in addition to the default week-long buffer and the zero-day buffer.

That is, if my goal is to do X twice a week, and I fail to do X, I would like my next X to be due half a week from the derail.


Agreed. Right now we have an option for no-mercy recommits: instead of 7 days of buffer after a derailment you can make it be 1. We just need to make that a choice of N days.

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