Android syncing issues

For the last few weeks my android app has had problems syncing.

This manifests mainly in two ways:

  • when I have a single goal opened, and I enter a datapoint, the image will start spinning and not stop; the widget for the goal will not reflect the new data, nor will the list of goals; if I explicitly click the refresh button, generally nothing happens
  • the single-goal widgets will generally get stale

What does often work, though, is to open the list of goals and pull down, at which point I’ll briefly see a loading bar at the bottom, and then everything will be up-to-date.

I suspect there is some general background sync that works, maybe every few hours or something on that time scale, because I don’t get the impression that everything is stale all the time.

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Hi! Unfortunately we can’t do a lot of troubleshooting via the forum, since we’d need to see diagnostic logs etc. Can you email through to with the same info, and then go into the app and in the settings, tap “send feedback” and then send through a quick note with the “include diagnostic information” checked?

We can then loop in Adam and see if we can get things figured out. :slight_smile:

I can confirm that I get exactly the same behavior on my phone.

It would be pretty annoying if I had more than a few goals in the red, but since I don’t it’s just a matter of sitting it out for me.

Edit: I’ve sent an email with the diagnostic information.

Done, thanks.

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I’ve found out that this seems to work reliably for me.

Also, it seems like the behavior when adding a data point has improved recently. I recall the data point being added immediately (as in show up in the list of data points), but then the graph would keep refreshing. Now, there is a delay before the data point shows up in the list, but when it does the graph appears at the same time.

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The recent android update seemed to fix all my issues !

These issues all stem from the app not receiving notifications. I don’t mean the kind in the notification bar, but from the server, saying a goal has been updated.

A few weeks ago, Google started turning off the legacy notifications that the last version of the app was using. Luckily for us, we had a new version in testing already. The new version was pushed to Google Play last week, and it’s rolling out to folks. It looks like no one on the new version is having these problems, but definitely report if you are on 5.2.0 and seeing issues.


I agree it’s much better now, thanks!

Seems like my android stopped receiving notifications again about 2 days ago…

any idea what’s going wrong ?

Luckily I have my macbook and apple watch as fallbacks so it’s not a massive issue for me, but would be nice to fix it.

I actually like the way the android notifications are implemented quite a bit, except I think it’s better for only your most important beeminders… but that’s probably because I have so many beeminders right now haha.

If they start working again, I plan to start disabling android notifications on a big chunk of my beeminders, leaving only the ones on android that I really want to keep top of mind, and still leaving iOS notifications on ALL my beeminders.

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Android notifs working again