Any way to url hack the dashboard to have it organized by goal name?

Any way to url hack the dashboard to have it organized by goal name?


Dashboard is the one at{username}

And then just select to sort by goal by either selecting goal in the sort by dropdown on mobile

[screenshot here]

or by clicking the header goal in the desktop version.

[screenshot here]

Yes, that’s the basic functionality. However, I would like to be able to create a beeminder URL that forces the sort by goal name, so that I can put that into a shortcut in Windows, then I can attach a hotkey to that shortcut, then make one of my macro keys trigger that hotkey. I can do all the steps, except have beeminder sort by goal name. It is the final requirement in my automation masterplan. One key to rule them all. Except if the one key must be followed by a mouse movement and click to get my desired outcome, it is not a key of power.

A dashboard that simply remembers the last setting would work, too.

I just have this thing where I want to know where a goal is on the screen — I want it to be where I expect it to be. Like imagine if your icons moved around on your desk of their own accord based on how important Windows decided that those applications were at any moment. That would be a serious issue.

P.S. The awesome, if esoteric, beeminder tagging feature allows you to filter via the url. I have to google this feature every time I forget how to use it, as it’s obscure. It was that that made me think of this.

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The issue of the sort not sticking has been reported as early as Sept 2016: Fixed sort order - #3 by matti

Does the website resort to sorting by ‘urgency’ ever now and again? That can be intentional, assuming users are using the website via a desktop/laptop (big screen and mouse) setup and hoping this way they will not overlook any beemergencies, which would be topmost by urgency and might not be by goal name.

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I’ve been meaning to publish a version of my browser extension with tweaks to sorting (including, among other things, a new sort method and an icon in the header to sort by it.)

It’s easy enough to add a feature for setting the sort order via a URL parameter. With newest release, you can add ?sorting=slug to the URL to get what you want here.


zzq’s Altbee — the alternative Beeminder web interface provides another UI to your beeminder goals, making categories and tags live more prominent roles.
However, I do not see how you can specify the sort there.

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